The beloved characters from Studio Ghibli's films have been transformed into adorable "Koro-Rin Netsuke" charms.
Each character has a different bell shape, resulting in slightly different sounds. From the soft chime of "Small Totoro" to the intricate melody of "Medium Totoro" and the clear sound of "Robot Soldier"... the variety is enchanting. The cords, each with their own unique colors, are carefully crafted to match each character. Take your time to find your favorite one!
The image is a prototype. It may be slightly different than the final product.
Collections: 11.11 SALE, All, Collectibles, Collectibles, IN STOCK
Type: In Stock
Category: 2024, Collectibles, enSKY, In Stock, Keychain, NEW-OCT24, OCT24WK2, Studio Ghibli