Responding to popular demand, Megahouse's action figure series "Variable Action Heroes" brings back Monkey D. Luffy for the first time. With an impressive height of about 16.5 centimeters, the figure features attractive sculpting and realistic painting, making it a product that can be enjoyed both as a display item and for interactive play.
The optional parts include three facial expressions and a total of six fist parts (three for each hand). The straw hat is removable, allowing for various poses to be recreated, adding significant play value to the product.
Approx. 165mm in height.
Collections: All, Figurine, Figurine, IN STOCK, MEGAHOUSE, MEGAHOUSE FIGURE, Megahouse Figurine, NEW ARRIVAL ! FIGURINES, One Piece, ⭐Year End New Year Special⭐
Type: In Stock
Category: 200423, Figurine, In Stock, Megahouse, Megahouse Figure, NEW-NOV23, NOV23WK3, One Piece, Variable Action Heroes