From the TV anime "No Game No Life," Shiro, the younger sister of Sora, has become a 1/7 scale figure. The figure is meticulously crafted with attention to detail, featuring her flowing hair and vibrant coloring of her white kimono.
The intricate patterns on the white kimono are sculpted with raised molds. Pearl painting techniques are applied, and even the colors on the obi and the inside of the Uchikake are faithfully reproduced. She is posed tilting her head while holding a chess piece, sitting on a pedestal inspired by a chessboard, creating an incredibly adorable appearance!
Total height: Approximately 225mm (including the pedestal)
Collections: All, Figurine, Figurine, IN STOCK, NEW ARRIVAL ! FIGURINES, Scale Figure, Scale Figure, Scale Figurines, ⭐Year End New Year Special⭐
Type: In Stock
Category: 1/7th Scale Figure, 130823, 2024, Figurine, FURYU Corporation, In Stock, NEW-OCT24, No Game No Life, OCT24WK4, Scale Figure