"Legendary Giant Ideon" whose anime broadcast started in 1980. Forty years after Aoshima's "Anime Scale" series, which was released at the same time and continued until 1982, Ideon's 1/450 scale plastic model will be released! This kit is a color-coded snap kit model with an emphasis on proportions. Various poses are possible with a range of motion with a high degree of freedom in each part. Includes ideon sword, wave guide gun, and missile launch effect. This is the definitive edition of Ideon, presented on a big scale with a total height of about 24 cm!
Color-coded molding that does not require a seal, snap kit that does not require adhesive
Big scale with a total height of about 24 cm
Includes 4 types of hand parts
Includes 3 types of visor parts
Includes ideon sword, wave guide gun, and missile launch effect
Includes one hand-to-hand combat mecha "Jong" of the same scale
The image is a prototype. It may be slightly different than the final product.
Collections: All, Figurine, IN STOCK
Type: In Stock
Category: 1/450 Scale, 100722, 2023, Aoshima, Aoshima Bunka Kyozai Co. Ltd., Figurine, In Stock, MAY23WK3, Model Kit, NEW-MAY23, Space Runaway