From the anime series "Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba" comes a set of ChimiMega Buddy Series figures featuring both Zenitsu Agatsuma & Inosuke Hashibira! The characters from the series are known for their individualistic designs, so be sure to display them all together!
This is a set of two figures that each stand around 65mm in height, they are quick and easy to display right out of the box. The heads are also connected with a ball joint allowing or slightly different nuances when putting them on display.
This version comes with gifts : Illustration sheet drawn by Mr. Yupon
Specifications: Set of two pre-painted figures. Each approx. 65mm in height. Gift included: Illustration sheet
The image is a prototype. It may be slightly different than the final product.
Collections: All, CLEARANCE SALE, Demon Slayer : Kimetsu No Yaiba, Figurine, Figurine, IN STOCK, MEGAHOUSE, MEGAHOUSE FIGURE, Megahouse Figurine, NEW ARRIVAL ! FIGURINES, Non Scale, ⭐Year End New Year Special⭐
Type: In Stock
Category: 2020, 220320, CHIMIMEGA Buddy Series, CLEARANCE, Demon Slayer : Kimetsu No Yaiba, Figurine, In Stock, Megahouse, Megahouse Figure, mmm, New-Sep20, Non-scale