In commemoration of the 30th anniversary of the Future GPX Cyber Formula anime, we have transformed the origin of the Cyber Formula series, the Asurada G.S.X into an all new Hi-SPEC model - this time the model has been made in collaboration with threezero creating the first in the Hi-SPEC "UNITED" series.
Under close supervision by SUNRISE and designed by threezero's top designer, Kelvin, the most impressive Asurada G.S.X ever has been developed.
While ensuring that the design of the model has remained has faithful as possible, small details have been added to give it the realism and presence that only a model of this scale can provide.
threezero is well-known for their impressive mechanical designs that capture that realisic look so perfectly - be sure to take a look for yourself on this stunning model!
Painted 1/18 Scale Model. Approx. 240mm in length.
Collections: All, IN STOCK, MEGAHOUSE, ⭐Year End New Year Special⭐
Type: In Stock
Category: 2023, 270322, Future GPX Cyber Formula, In Stock, JUN23WK1, Megahouse, Model Kit, New-Jun23, Scale Model, Variable Action Kit