"One Piece" celebrated the 25th anniversary of its arrival in "Weekly Shonen Jump" in July 2022, and now you can fully enjoy the world of "One Piece: with this luxurious Tamagotchi Smart set! It includes a limited-edition Tamagotchi Smart, a Tama Smart Card One Piece Friends, and an original strap with a limited-edition design.
Insert the Tama Smart Card One Piece Friends into the Tamagotchi Smart to download characters, as well as various items and mini games! Join the celebration and order yours now!
Size: H approx. 40 mm x W approx. 30 mm x D approx. 30 mm
Collections: All, Collectibles, Collectibles, IN STOCK, One Piece, Other, ⭐Year End New Year Special⭐
Type: In Stock
Category: 2023, APRWK2-2, Bandai, Collectibles, In Stock, New-Apr23, One Piece, Other, Tamagotchi