From the slice-of-life comedy anime "Non Non Biyori" comes a Nendoroid of Natsumi Koshigaya, also known as "Nattsun"! She comes with three face plates including a standard expression, a smiling expression and a winking expression. As for optional parts, she comes with her school bag and "Hikarimono Boss", the "boss" of the pond Natsumi caught while fishing.
Natsumi can also be displayed wearing her older brother Suguru's glasses, giving her a somewhat mischievous look. Be sure to add her to your collection!
Painted ABS&PVC non-scale figure with stand included. Approximately 100mm in height.
The image is a prototype. It may be slightly different than the final product.
Collections: All, Figurine, Figurine, Good Smile Company, GSC, IN STOCK, NENDOROID, Nendoroid, Nendoroid Series : READY STOCK !!, NEW ARRIVAL ! FIGURINES, ⭐Year End New Year Special⭐
Type: In Stock
Category: 2021, Figurine, Good Smile Company, In Stock, Nendoroid, Nendoroid Series, New-Oct21, Non Non Biyori Nonstop