The latest addition to the Gundam Girls Generation series comes from Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 STARDUST MEMORY - the Commander of the Cima Fleet, Cima Garahau! Her iconic appearance has been captured in 1/8th scale and painted with great detail as a complete pre-painted figure for fans to enjoy in their collection.
The figure has been posed wearing her Zeon military uniform with her long hair flowing out behind her in a confident pose that captures her personality. In her left hand she holds her trademark folding fan that brings out the intimidating air she is known for.
The CFC Zanzibar-II Class Lili Marleen will also be up for preorder at the same time, so be sure to display Cima together with her flagship and bring out the Gundam 0083 universe in your collection!
Specification: 1/8th Scale Painted Figure. Approx. 220mm in Height.
Collections: All, CLEARANCE SALES, Figurine, Figurine, IN STOCK, MEGAHOUSE, MEGAHOUSE FIGURE, Megahouse Figurine, NEW ARRIVAL ! FIGURINES, Scale Figure, Scale Figure, Scale Figurines, ⭐Year End New Year Special⭐
Type: In Stock
Category: 1/8th Scale Figure, 2019, CLEARANCE, Figurine, GGG, Gundam, In Stock, Megahouse, Megahouse Figure, mmm, Mobile Suit Gundam, New-Dec19, Scale Figure