From the popular anime series "Haikyu!!" comes a rerelease of the Nendoroid of the Karasuno High School Volleyball Team's 'Clever Blocker ' - Kei Tsukishima! He comes with three expression parts including a standard face, a serious face as well as a condescending smirk.
He also comes a variety of optional parts that allow you to recreate popular scenes from the series, as well as a volleyball and a base made in the image of a volleyball court. Headphones as well as his sports glasses are also included as optional parts. Enjoy the clever Tsukki in various different situations from the series!
The image is a prototype. It may be slightly different than the final product.
Collections: All, Figurine, Good Smile Company, HAIKYUU!!, IN STOCK, NENDOROID, Nendoroid Series : READY STOCK !!
Type: In Stock
Category: 231022, Figurine, Haikyu!!, In Stock, Nendoroid, Nendoroid Series, NEW-OCT23, OCT23WK1, Orange Rouge