From Makoto Shinkai's popular animated film "Weathering with You" comes a Nendoroid of the heroine Hina Amano. She comes with two face plates including her lovable standard expression as well as a praying expression with her eyes closed.
For optional parts she comes with the Teru Teru Bozu decorated umbrella as seen in the film! The umbrella can also be displayed as a standard umbrella. Additionally, a special base for recreating the film's key visual is included. Display with Nendoroid Hodaka Morishima (sold separately) scheduled to be available for preorder soon and enjoy recreating the scene from the film's key visual!
Painted ABS&PVC non-scale figure with stand included. Approximately 100mm in height.
The image is a prototype. It may be slightly different than the final product.
Collections: All, CLEARANCE SALE, Figurine, Figurine, Good Smile Company, GSC, IN STOCK, NENDOROID, Nendoroid, Nendoroid Series : READY STOCK !!, NEW ARRIVAL ! FIGURINES, ⭐Year End New Year Special⭐
Type: In Stock
Category: 2020, 220919, CLEARANCE, Figurine, Good Smile Company, In Stock, mmm, Nendoroid, Nendoroid Series, new-Jul20, Weathering with You