From the popular anime series "Chibi Maruko-chan" comes a Nendoroid of Chibi Maruko-chan! She comes with four face plates, two text plates and the rabbit and cat from the anime's opening and ending! A special background sheet is included as well so you can capture the world of Chibi Maruko-chan on your desk or shelf! Be sure to add her to your collection!
The image is a prototype. It may be slightly different than the final product.
Collections: All, Figurine, Figurine, Good Smile Company, GSC, IN STOCK, NENDOROID, Nendoroid, Nendoroid Series : READY STOCK !!, NEW ARRIVAL ! FIGURINES, ⭐Year End New Year Special⭐
Type: In Stock
Category: 2021, 210221, Chibi Maruko-chan, Figurine, Good Smile Company, In Stock, Nendoroid, Nendoroid Series, New-Sep21