From the popular series "To Love-Ru Darkness" comes the twin sister to Momo and second princess of Deviluke, Nana Astar Deviluke, in a bunny girl outfit! The figure is an impressive 1/4th scale and utilizes real net tights, making for a figure both enjoyable to look at and to touch.
Display her with the girls currently released in the bunny girl figure series along with Lala Satalin Deviluke: Bunny Ver. (sold separately) coming soon and your harem will almost be complete! Be sure to add her to your collection!
Collections: All, CLEARANCE SALE, Figurine, Figurine, Good Smile Company, IN STOCK, NEW ARRIVAL ! FIGURINES, Scale Figure, Scale Figure, Scale Figurines, ⭐Year End New Year Special⭐
Type: In Stock
Category: 1/4th Scale Figure, 100319, 2019, CLEARANCE, Figurine, FREEing, In Stock, mmm, New-Nov19, Scale Figure, To Love-Ru Darkness