From the anime series "Tokyo Revengers" comes a Nendoroid of Draken, the vice-president of the Tokyo Manji Gang! He comes with three face plates including a standard face, a serious face and a smiling face.
Optional parts include his motorcycle, a Tokyo Manji Gang flag and a plate of hot curry. Enjoy creating cool scenes and cute scenes alike! Be sure to add him to your collection!
*There are minor design differences between this product and the version of this product intended for sale in Japan. (JP Version: Nendoroid Draken (Ken Ryuguji))
The image is a prototype. It may be slightly different than the final product.
Collections: All, Figurine, Figurine, Good Smile Company, GSC, IN STOCK, NENDOROID
Type: In Stock
Category: 200322, 2022, DECWK5, Figurine, Good Smile Company, In Stock, Nendoroid, New-Dec22, Orange Rouge, Tokyo Revengers