From the anime series "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure" comes a Nendoroid of Kars, the Pillar Man striving to become the ultimate life form! The figure is fully articulated so you can display him in a wide variety of poses. He comes with three face plates including a cruel standard expression, a mocking expression from after he fought Joseph for the Red Stone of Aja and an expression with his tongue sticking out.
Optional parts include Light Blade parts for recreating Kars’ Light Mode ability as well as a turban. The squirrel he created from his wrist after becoming the ultimate life form is included as well. The Nendoroid also comes with various hand parts for creating all kinds of poses. Enjoy displaying him with other Nendoroids from "JoJo's Bizarre Adventure". Be sure to add him to your collection!
Painted ABS&PVC non-scale articulated figure with stand included. Approximately 100mm in height.
The image is a prototype. It may be slightly different than the final product.
Collections: All, Figurine, Figurine, Good Smile Company, GSC, IN STOCK, NENDOROID, Nendoroid
Type: In Stock
Category: 121221, 2022, Figurine, Good Smile Company, In Stock, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, Nendoroid, Nendoroid Series, New-Sep22, SEPWK2-2